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Old 08-14-2003, 01:24 PM
adduncan adduncan is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 770
Originally posted by LouisaMay
So I was wondering...should I send an e-mail to headquarters or would a formal letter be more appropriate? I would like to hear from PNAMs who received replies, AIs, and other alums. I'm so nervous about messing up right off the bat. I would like the speed of e-mail, but I also appreciate the care a formal letter demonstrates. What do you think?

I planned to have my letter/e-mail sent by now, but things got hectic with work.

Email addresses are posted on websites for a reason. You'll get a quicker response and there's less of a chance your intro will get lost in the paperwork.

What I have done is write to the alum membership email and ask who would be the right person to contact, so as to introduce myself to XYZ. So far, that's been a good thing for me.

Good luck!

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