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Old 04-27-2023, 05:11 PM
Sarak24034 Sarak24034 is offline
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 9
It's been a long time...

Hello everyone! I started on GC under a different screen name but can't access it anymore. I had documented my Rush journey MANY years ago on here. However my story didn't have the happy ending I wanted.

The sorority I loved and adored did not invite me to pref and I ended up accepting a bid from a different organization. Not to go into too many details I ended up leaving that chapter due to personal reasons without having even pledged. Not long after I ended up dropping out of school for a very long time.

Fast forward MANY years later, I FINALLY finished my Bachelor's Degree, have been working, and got married. Yet I still felt like something was missing. Eventually I was out with a friend who was an alumnae from the original chapter I fell in love with. She and I had discussed me doing AI after I got married and I just was too scared of rejection at that time to follow through.

This past fall she asked me again and this time I was ready. So she put me in touch with the head of the alumnae association. I was immediately invited to the house for a active/alum Thanksgiving dinner. I met so many wonderful sisters and even met another woman who had gone though AI herself! I was continually invited to other events and at the end of March I received my invitation to join as AI from the Alumnae chapter! Once my official invitation came in from HQ my initiation date was set and my badge ordered!
On April 22, 2023 I was formally initiated to...........................................

ALPHA GAMMA DELTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am now a sister of the Theta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta and I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that I am finally HOME!!!
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