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AnchorAlum 07-20-2003 05:13 PM

Mrs. Bush was a Theta at SMU and Jenna is a Theta at UT. I don't know if Yale has a Theta chapter.
The big story two years ago was that Mrs. Bush "helped" with rush by handing out bottled water to rushees in front of the house. It's so hot that Panhellenic worries about heat stroke and exhaustion and many houses did it.
The Thetas did awesome that year, but they are a top group there anyway. Laura did not hurt the cause, though!

Munchkin03 07-20-2003 06:11 PM

Whelp, according to the Yale University website, there is a Theta chapter, but it doesn't have an active website. The article I read said that it is the only sorority at Yale (this is as of 1999) with its own chapter house, and it was the first.

Mrs. Cheney is a Theta from Colorado College.

Peaches-n-Cream 07-20-2003 06:44 PM


Originally posted by fire1977
Please, you think that's bad.....

Try finding a unicorn in august...oh wait..


Try finding a unicorn!

lol! I was thinking the same thing. :p

Munchkin03 08-22-2003 12:58 PM


Jill1228 08-22-2003 01:14 PM

What are the "Big Six" houses at Univ of Texas, Austin?

ZTAngel 08-22-2003 01:24 PM

Does Jenna Bush actually participate in the rush events? Or does her security keep her out of sight during rush?

meridionaleDG 08-22-2003 01:27 PM


Originally posted by ZTAngel
Does Jenna Bush actually participate in the rush events? Or does her security keep her out of sight during rush?
How could a PNM talk to her without feeling even more intimidated and overwhelmed than they already are about rushing.

"So, who did you talk to your first round?"
"Oh some girl name Sarah from Austin, TX. How about you?"
"I talked to the President of the United States' daughter."


ZTAngel 08-22-2003 01:34 PM


Originally posted by Jill1228
What are the "Big Six" houses at Univ of Texas, Austin?
I believe carnation posted something about this sometime back with an article that was written circa 1970's about the big six sororities. The article listed KKG, Theta, Tri-Delta, Zeta, PiPhi, and ChiO as being the Big Six. Not sure if these are still considered part of the Big Six or if it has changed since the 1970's.

sunnygirl 08-22-2003 02:15 PM

I think this is it.

blake1872 08-23-2003 02:41 AM

Yes, Jenna does participate in recruitment and is a big part of their skit from what I hear. I think I heard they are doing "Wizard of Oz", at least they did last year.

AAgammagirl 08-23-2003 09:16 PM

ok- $28,000 for RUSH??!!!
whoa- i would love to see my sisters come up to Canada and do formal recruitment for $500!!
oh that would be a sight to see. i think they would fall over from a heart attack just hearing what our budget was.
hmmm.....i would love to go see rush at UT.
and i thought UWO's (in London, Ontario) rush budget was big (the chapter i'm advising). and it's only $1500!!
sorry, can't stop laughing here. that campus needs to have a no frills policy. wow.
i wonder what chapter dues are? or do i dare even ask?!!:eek:

Jill1228 08-23-2003 09:21 PM

Peep will tell ya the dues

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